The Civil War Talk Radio Companion

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We Fought at Gettysburg: Firsthand Accounts by the Survivors of the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

Carolyn  Ivanoff May 8, 2024

Carolyn Ivanoff, author of "We Fought at Gettysburg: Firsthand Accounts by the Survivors of the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry"

Gerry's Opening Monologue -
"This is Gerry Prokopowicz, with Civil War Talk Radio,...

…William Warren, the private in the 17th Connecticut, survived the Battle of Gettysburg and the rest of the War and then devoted much of the rest of his life to making sure that the story of his regiment was not forgotten. He compiled notes, photographs, letters from comrades, his own memories into 13 manuscripts volumes. But he never brought himself to complete the task of organizing and editing the material into a published regimental history, like so many other units have. Fortunately, Carolyn Ivanoff has taken up the task and distilled Warren’s research into account that does justice to the story in the 17th Connecticut. It's a book called "We Fought at Gettysburg: Firsthand Accounts by the Survivors of the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry." We'll talk with her tonight on Civil War Talk Radio.”

This Episode is available in 1 segment.

Segment 1 -  
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