The Civil War Talk Radio Companion

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A Quaker Colonel, His Fiancee, and Their Connections: Selected Civil War Correspondence

Richard Upsher  Smith, Jr. May 22, 2024

Richard Upsher Smith, Jr., editor of "A Quaker Colonel, His Fiancee, and Their Connections: Selected Civil War Correspondence"

Gerry's Opening Monologue -
"This is Gerry Prokopowicz, with Civil War Talk Radio,...

…Tonight we start with two trash bags full of letters. But not just any letters. Not even just Civil War Soldier letters, but much rarer. Letters from both the soldier and the letters the soldier received from his fiancée, as well as from other family members, while Charles B. Lamborn was marching and fighting, his friend since childhood, Emily Taylor was at home learning to adjust to the trials of civilian life in wartime, while nurturing a growing bond with Charles. The letters of Emily and Charles, as well as some of those from their siblings, parents and friends have been assembled and edited by Richard Upsher Smith Jr. as the book, ” A Quaker Colonel, His Fiancée, and Their Connections: Selected Civil War Correspondence.” We'll talk with Doctor Smith about them tonight on Civil War Talk Radio.”

This Episode is available in 1 segment.

Segment 1 -  
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